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A Word...
As Christians, we are considered people "of faith." But what is faith? True, BIBLICAL faith?
Biblically, the "father of faith" is Abraham. What sort of "faith" did he have? What kind of "faith" did The Lord God commend him for?
Without a doubt, it was his act of COMPLETE OBEDIENCE to God when he was commanded to sacifice his son, Isaac. (Genesis 22)
Many would say Abraham's "love" for The Lord, displayed by his willingness to sacrifice his very own son, is what he was commended for. Others would say it was his "belief/faith" in The Lord to provide a way out of his predicament. Yet others might point to pure "obedience," since God gave him a command, and he obeyed without question. Perhaps all are right. After all, Abraham's act to sacrifice Isaac WAS a demonstration of his love for God ABOVE that of his own beloved son. His act to sacifice Isaac WAS a demonstration of his belief in God's word (see Hebrews 11). And he WAS clearly obeying a direct command from The Lord without question or hesitation.
So we know we have "faith" if we LOVE God, BELIEVE God, & OBEY God....
But what did The Lord commend Abraham for? What were God's EXACT words?
In Genesis 22:12, we get The Lord's reaction and commendation of Abraham's "act of faith" in the very exact words that God Himself used.
He said to Abraham, "Now I know that you FEAR God...."
God could have said, "Now I know you love me." He could have said, "Now I know you believe." He could have said, "Now I know you are obedient." But He instead said "FEAR"...
In any translation, and even going to the ORIGINAL Hebrew manuscripts, the word and concept is indeed FEAR. Not "reverence" or "respect" or "honor" or anything else that may act as a euphemism and play down the word/concept. It is very simply put, FEAR OF THE LORD.
Have we emphasized the "love" of God and His forgiveness and kindness and mercy so much that we have forgotten how to FEAR The Lord?
A very wise king once said that "the fear of The Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline" (Proverbs 1:7). He then went on to draw a very interesting, extremely simple, yet truly profound conclusion:
" is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
The words of Jesus Christ, affirming this conclusion in the New Testament, are very clear in Matthew 10:28 when He tells us that there is nothing to fear other than God Himself...
And in the very Revelation, when The Lord establishes His perfect kingdom here on Earth God tells us from the throne upon which He sits,
"Praise our God, all you His servants, you who FEAR Him...." (Revelation 19:5)
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