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Meet Jesus Christ.
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*NOTE: If you are unable to view the video on our website or on, or would like to share the video in other formats (i.e. PowerPoint, HD, DVD, etc.) video download links (Windows Media Player .wmv files) are found below... Video download links for use with Projectors, PowerPoint presentations, burning onto DVD's, uploading to the Web, Internet, sharing on mobile devices, etc.: Video Optimized for Projector & High Definition Display (Large - 960 x 720 HD) Video Optimized for Internet & burning to standard DVD (Medium - 640 x 480) Video Optimized for Portable & Mobile Devices (Small - 320 x 240) Link for sharing with others (via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, e-mail, text-msg, etc.) to watch and spread The Love of CHRIST!
WWW.SEEKORSERVE.COM was created simply to follow the command of Jesus Christ as stated in The Word of God (John 13:34-35): that those who would profess to follow Him LOVE ONE ANOTHER and show the world that they are TRULY followers of Jesus Christ.
WWW.SEEKORSERVE.COM is nothing other than a “tool” meant to be used by everyone -
especially Christians & their churches - to follow Jesus’
command and love each other.
The hope and prayer is that enough Christians will rise to the occasion and take advantage of this opportunity to prove to the world that Christians are truly known for LOVE above all.
Christians everywhere are called upon to unite in an unprecedented, unequaled, unmatched, uncontested demonstration of the TRUE LOVE that comes only from Jesus Christ.
Specific biblical references are
John 13:34-35 & John 15:17.
Whether people "seek" to meet their needs or provide giveaways to "serve" others, ultimately everyone should seek and serve Jesus Christ, The One True Lord, Savior, & God. Hence, the name "SeekOrServe" - everybody can and should do one or the other...or both!
Meet people. Meet needs. Meet JESUS CHRIST.
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